We can provide the specialized expertise in several areas for tailor made transportation solutions, such as logistics capabilities, precise timing, wide geographical knowledge, and global connections to coordinate cargo movements worldwide with a strong focus on project cargo. No matter the size, the goods’ origin or the clients’ needs, we can always find a solution that meets your requirements for transit times at competitive costs.
Our project handling capabilities include:
- Site survey and feasibility studies
- Multi-modal transport options
- Strict attention to all road rules and safety requirements
- Supervising at origin and discharging locations during operations
- Special equipment transport both containerized (flat racks, open tops, platforms) and break bulk
- In house chartering department
- Freight rate negotiations with carriers
- Administration for all agencies (customs clearance, trade documentation)
Recently, to further tide up our presence in Russia and CIS countries, we have opened Infotech Baltika Europe, a branch of Infotech Baltika (http://www.infbalt.ru/en) allowing us to have local presence and expertise in all main ports and cities in Russia and CIS countries.